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Colin McArdle
Aug 11, 2021
How to create high performing legal teams
What people-based operational management best practice looks like for conveyancing firms, that want to develop high performing legal teams.

Colin McArdle
Aug 10, 2021
How to reduce costs, improve customer service and make more money in the service industry with Lean
Lean has a long history in manufacturing, but over the last couple of decades, we’ve seen it increasingly applied to the service industry.

Colin McArdle
Jun 30, 2021
Are you giving your sales team the chance to succeed? – why poor processes can let businesses down
In the fast paced society in which we live in, are you making it easy for customers to buy and for your sales team to sell?

Colin McArdle
Jun 7, 2021
A life in units (Part 4): ‘It’s just not cricket’ – fielding your strongest team
In the final part of our ‘life in units’ series, we look at the importance of understanding and planning around a team’s skills set. We...

Colin McArdle
May 31, 2021
A life in units (Part 3): Too busy for help = too busy for change – Driving change in services
Albert Einstein has been credited with saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting...

Richard Guest
May 25, 2021
Lean: the concept that built three of the world’s biggest brands
Amazon, Nike and Toyota are household names around the world. The secret to their success is the same mindset that underpins the work of...

Colin McArdle
May 24, 2021
A life in units (Part 2): Top Gun: Managing your ‘Maverick’ – management challenges in the services
Sat on a beanbag watching ‘Top Gun’ on a glitchy VHS tape as a teenager, I didn’t appreciate the common management challenges sitting...

Colin McArdle
May 17, 2021
How a national high street estate agency used Lean diagnostics to create savings of £590K in 8 weeks
Moving house can be one of life’s most stressful events. Even just renting a property, without the added complication of having to...

Colin McArdle
May 17, 2021
A life in units (Part 1): Driving revenue creation in the professional services sector
At the end of each day, I religiously look at my fitness tracker to see how many steps I’ve taken and whether I’ve hit the magic 10,000....

Colin McArdle
May 11, 2021
5 questions Private Equity Operating Partners should know the answers to on rapid value creation
As a CEO influencer you already know the road to turning a profit -taking responsibility for a business with exciting growth potential is...
Insights and resources
Mortgage and Lending
Private Equity
Real Estate
Medical Devices
Facilities Management
Process Mining digital discovery
Data Science
Robotic Process Automation (UiPath)
World Class Manufacturing
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